The Education Department has two sectors: Education administration and Inspectorate. The District Education officer (DEO) heads the department and coordinates the day to day running of Education activities. He is supported by other staff including the Senior Education Officer, Senior Inspector of Schools, Education Officers, Inspector of Schools among others.
The District Inspector of Schools is head of the Inspectorate sector assisted by one Inspector of Schools, Sports officer, Special Needs Education (SNE) officer and 3 CCTs from Bishop Willis Core PTC attached to coordinating Centers of: Nankoma, Namayemba and Hindocha. The inspectorate ensures that Educational institutions comply with Education policies, regulations and standards for delivery of quality Education.
Because of the limited staff in the Inspectorate, Associate Assessors are being used to boost the Inspectorate. Inspection is further supported by the School Management Committees, Board of Governors and the Parents Teachers Associations.
Most of our primary schools have got infrastructural inadequacies in terms of classrooms, pit latrines, water, staff houses and access roads. However, government efforts are being boosted by developments partners like World Vision, UCOBAC etc. to address gaps in the Education sector